Sania Alamate - Solomon Islander
Bachelor of Law (Honours)

"It’s been a long 4+ years, with lots of challenges, blessings, instant noodles, tuna and rice. I owe the biggest thanks to my support network through it all - my family, friends, teachers, mentor and mostly God. I started uni fresh out of high school and went straight into the UQ Duhig eZones. One of my biggest blessings was being introduced to SPIA by the Solo boys and Jamila. Without my time at UQ I may have graduated earlier, but I know the experience, growth and friendships gained in that time were God-given and invaluable. After transferring to QUT, QUTPA also gave me a space where I was mentored by an amazing Pasifika lawyer and supported by my team of fellow Pacific Islander law students.
My university journey has been testament to the importance of having a strong support system at uni. We really are blessed to have each other and these spaces. Studying law has been rewarding but also tough. In high school I didn’t really struggle academically, so I‘d never felt as lost and deflated as I did in the toughest times of my degree. I relearnt the importance of resilience in those times and getting through them made graduating even more sweeter.
I’m currently completing my Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice (GDLP/PLT), which has been very busy. As for my future plans, (apart from getting married after borders reopen) I can work towards seeking admission to practise law after successfully completing my PLT. I have a wide range of interests though, so if I had a chance to explore careers which use my law degree aside from the traditional lawyer path, I would definitely consider it. To those studying, I would say firstly to surround yourself with people who help you be your best (Iron sharpens iron – Prov. 27:17). Secondly, keep striving but recognise when you need a break. Manage your time so you can take care of yourself too. Lastly, don’t be afraid to ask questions and keep learning.
Tagio tumas again SPIA for your unwavering support. All the very best and God bless."