The University of Queensland South Pacific Islander Association (UQ SPIA) Scholarship Fund aims to relieve some of the financial burden on our families and communities, hoping to allow at least a few of our Pacific youth every year the opportunity to achieve and succeed at a tertiary level.
We at UQ SPIA, recognize and acknowledge the need for structural change to ensure that our Pacific youth in Queensland are not missing out on the opportunities that tertiary education offers.We also recognize that the best way to do our part to dismantle the barriers that our youth face in achieving and succeeding at a tertiary level is to begin a scholarship here at UQ.Our parents always say to us, that education is the pathway out of poverty not only for our families, but for our communities as well. When one succeeds, we all achieve.We are a community minded people, that’s how we work. And its these same sentiments that we hope to try to foster within ourselves at UQ SPIA, so that we can continue to grow the seeds of change within our youth in all that they do and aspire to be.To inspire someone is empowering and to inspire a generation creates change. At UQ SPIA hope to continue to inspire the next generations of Pacific youth through our UQ SPIA Scholarship Fund.We hope to give wings to our youth so that they can soar through the sky and we hope that you can help us achieve this