Alynna Wong - Malaysian Chinese
Bachelor of Laws (Hons), Bachelor of Journalism

"You cannot truly capture what happens in uni in a short essay. More than sitting exams and completing courses, university was an inner journey of discovery unlike any other.
When I stepped into university bright-eyed, bushy-tailed and inwardly terrified, the sheer amount of opportunities offered at UQ was both overwhelming and exciting. A new city, new culture and new beginning.
Little did I know that, over the next 6 years of my degree, I would serve on the executive of multiple clubs and societies, be Vice President Campus Culture of the UQ Union, win awards for Investigative Journalism and complete a semester exchange at Harvard Law School among other things. What a crazy adventure!
I can’t recall the number of all- nighters, mental breakdowns, and assignment dramas that were had. Sometimes making it to graduation seemed like a long shot. But looking back, I can see that two things kept me going: God and Community.
Thank you, God, for the constant provision, wisdom, guidance and relentless pursuit of me no matter how far I may go. Through the many times I’ve been tempted to do it on my own strength, You’ve shown me that when I run alone it’s called ‘race’ but when I run with You, it’s called ‘Grace’. Graduating is a testament to Your faithfulness.
And thank you to my UQ SPIA family. Right from the moment I joined you, I was blown away. Truly a group deeply rooted in culture yet unhindered in adventure, it is undeniable how funny, unique, LOUD and incredibly loving everyone from SPIA is. You guys have been a pillar of joy for so many of my uni years. I may not be an Islander by birth but I’ve never felt more Islander at heart. Hands down, this club is one of the biggest blessings that UQ has ever offered.
No matter where I end up, I will always be grateful that I had the privilege and honour to have met the people I’ve met and experience the things I have.
I will end by saying this: University will always be a chapter of your life that challenges and shapes who you are, setting you up for the person you could be. So, get out of your comfort zone, dream big, love people, pray often, don’t compare yourself to others and learn to enjoy the ride!"