Teitinrerei Bobo - I-Kiribati
Masters of Governance and Public Policy

I’m Teitinrerei Bobo and I am from Kiribati from the Islands of Abaiang, Marakei, Tabiteuea & Nonouti.
I left my country and family in January 2020 to pursue a Master of Governance & Public Policy for two years. I am grateful to God and with the support of my family & friends I managed to graduate in 2021. With this degree, I am planning to go back to my former profession, as a Deputy Principal within the Junior Secondary School.
At the beginning of 2020, I did know about UQSPIA, but I was not part of it. Later in 2020, my housemates; Gloria, Oemwa & Teaoia introduced me to UQSPIA and join the cultural night practises. I am really grateful that I have joined UQSPIA because I got to meet friendly people from diverse background & culture, Polynesians, Melanesians, and Micronesians. I was so surprised and amazed that there are even members of UQSPIA who are not from the Pacific but became UQSPIA family.
After joining this first event, I was always looking forward for any UQSPIA event to join and volunteer whenever I could while studying in 2021. The most exciting event that I enjoyed was being a part of the cultural night and INSPIA 2021 which is new to me. I was fortunate that the executive members gave me the opportunity to be a part of their INSPIA panellist where I could talk about some of my experiences to inspire high school students. For me, UQSPIA also play a significant role in my studies because whenever I am stress, I would go and distress by joining in the lead up practice for the (cultural night), making jokes and laugh about it with other members instead of feeling down and stress about my assignment or personal problems.
I have learned about young leaders within UQSPIA who are committed, hardworking and very friendly towards everyone. I am sure that the current and former executive members will make great leaders. I also learned that it is important to let loose a little bit and get out of my comfort zone, which allowed me meet new people, make new friends, and expand my networks with others.
Finally, to those who are still studying, I would like to say these words, WORK HARD, STUDY HARD & PRAY HARD – WORK TO THE BEST but know when you should rest and MANAGE YOUR TIME WELL to avoid last minutes submission.
Thank you, UQSPIA & every member, for your continuous support to everyone including me.
All the best & God blesses each one of you."