Lorin Tuilakepa - Fijian/Rotuman
Bachelor of Engineering majoring in Civil Engineering

"How do you summarise 4 years of University experiences into a short essay? You just can't. And it's even harder to put into words feelings, thoughts, and experiences with none other than my unique UQ fambam – SPIA!
Throwback to June 2013, alone and new to Australia, Brisbane, and UQ. I was culturally & emotionally shocked, but I was lucky enough that a fellow Fijian offered to help me get settled into UQ. Despite having awesome housemates and friendly classmates, I felt lost and even more homesick then. The only Pacific Islanders I met were the ones from my Introductory Academic Program.
Then in 2014, I found myself sitting with a bunch of friendly, smiling, young Islanders in the Great Court voicing a want of a sense of belonging at UQ, and from that (and additional background work) SPIA was born. I was honoured to become SPIA's first Secretary and was able to work with a great team. For every year since, the new teams have led SPIA to bigger and better things which continue to amaze me. The potential in SPIA is too great not to be ignored and I couldn't be more proud of everyone.
My purpose here was to get a degree before 30. And whilst I may not have attained a Class I honors degree in Engineering, I did get a degree! I owe this greatly to the man upstairs for everything; Australia Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade for sponsoring me; my parents, partner, extended family and friends for: never giving up on me, the hahas, the cries, the arghs and ughs, and continuously supporting me during the highs and the lows. Thank YOU!
Whilst it is saddening to say goodbye, for now, I know that wherever I go, I have and will always have SPIA close to my heart because without this amazing group of colourful characters and personalities, I, 100%, would not have had an exceptional University experience - with the headaches, heartaches, D&M convos, cringe & embarrassing moments, fugly photos, spontaneous days/nights, etc. I have made lifelong friendships & families, made awesome memories and most importantly made to feel that I belonged.
I hope to work for the Fiji Government in the Transport or Construction & Infrastructure industries. Who knows, I may even pick up another degree or move on to postgrad studies.
To end my 'essay', I challenge YOU to do something outside of your comfort zone, to make mistakes but also learn from others, be positive, laugh and dance like no one is looking, connect with people that bring the best out of you, who can laugh at and with you. I may not have everything together in my life and am still finding my way - personally & academically but I still keep moving forward. Hence, and probably the most important, is to believe in yourself that YOU can do it...and WILL get that degree/certificate/masters, no matter how hard or long it will take!"