Caroline Robertson - Fijian
Bachelor of Engineering (Dual Major in Civil and Geotechnical Engineering)

"Wow! Where do I begin with describing this incredible chapter of my life? I had always known when I was in primary school in Fiji that I wanted to pursue higher education in the future. The phrase “study/work hard & enjoy the fruits of your work” was drilled in me from a young age. I was so determined to do and become better.
As we all know, in the pursuit of doing and becoming better, we tend to lose motivation and sight of our goal. I was in that category. There were many highlights and low times I experienced during my time at UQ. One of the many highlights would be being involved with the establishment UQSPIA. The tough and rough times at uni were balanced with the laughter, food, dances and pacific smiles of the UQSPIA family. As I reflect on the time spent with the SPIA family, I am grateful and appreciative of the times we could sit down talk about our individual struggles and share this over some fmf biscuits, tinned tuna and a massive cup of tea (or two in my case). I was also blessed to be involved in in other student societies such as UQ Skirts Women in Engineering, UQ Civil Engineering
Student Association and UQ Engineering Undergraduate Society. These opportunities have provided me the platform to grow as a young female islander in an ever-evolving society.
Did I love studying civil engineering? The absolute truth is NO, but I stuck with it and kept persevering with copious amounts of caffeine, tears and prayers. We all have our own individual journeys through life, and I am humbled and thankful for the struggles I had to face to get to the end. There were many times I doubted my capabilities, but I am forever grateful for the never-ending support I received from my parents, family and friends.
Where to from now? I made the decision last September to accept the offer from the company I had been completing my undergraduate engineering work with since 2016. I commenced work early this year as a Graduate Civil (Site) Engineer. With my time as an Undergraduate Site Engineer, I realised that I absolutely loved and enjoyed the long hours of being out and about on site. Being able to see plans and drawings being constructed, and all the aspects required to make it all work. I have been humbly blessed with this opportunity to pursue my career in this field, to be able to learn more each day. Hopefully, one day in the future I will be able to implement what I have learnt through my time as an engineer to better my people in the South Pacific.
A verse of the bible that has pulled me through is Romans 5:3-5. All glory and praise to my Heavenly Father above, for without His strength, guidance and protection; I know I wouldn’t have made it this far."