Cassie Dai - Chinese
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours Class IIA)/Commerce, majoring in Civil Engineering and Finance)

"After 7 years of studying, even though I want to continue my study, it’s time for me to get working and learn from the workforce. As much as I love being a student, I would like to step into the next stage of my life and support my family. Without my sister and my mum, this would not have been possible. They’ve supported me by looking after me every step of the journey. The message of this post is to keep trying, and to hold on to those who love, motivate and support you.
When I immigrated to Australia from China at 11, I felt like I didn’t fit in anywhere. That changed when I started my time at UQ; I’ve made friends that will last a lifetime and made memories I will never forget. One thing I really thank first-year Cassie for was taking on what was outside her comfort zone by making conversation with people she didn’t know, viewing each encounter as an opportunity to make friends and learn from others.
Everything changed again when I joined UQ SPIA; I was given the chance to be UQ SPIA’s first treasurer. Words can’t describe how much better of a person I’ve become since I joined SPIA. I will miss SPIA the most when I leave Brisbane, because everything can be imitated except my SPIA fam.
The highlight of my degree was going to University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) on exchange for one semester. I used to say no to many things. But when I started to open my mind and worked through all the hurdles stopping me from doing what I wanted, I realised anything was possible.
I was rejected on my first application for exchange, rejected from the first 10 internship job interviews I went to, rejected from 100+ casual jobs, rejected from my dual degree application, etc. But somehow, when I kept going, applying, looking for loopholes, writing an appeal, attending endless meetings with the academic advisor and practice interviews, whatever that could be done; everything always worked out in the end. It was like that famous quote by Paulo Coelho, “When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”
UQ was not just a degree for me; just like anything in life, it’s the people around you that make everything worth it. Don’t forget to step outside your comfort zone, meet different people and involve yourself in different projects; I believe that’s when you learn and grow the most. Always keep your support group the closest."